Saturday, September 08, 2007

September 8, 2007

Good Saturday morning. It is September 8, a date of no special significance to my knowledge, but I'm sure it is some one's birthday at least. Thank you God, that each of us is significant to you and that you love us so much. In this world we are made to feel small, not by God who loves us, but by the world and its standards. I am so glad that in the final judgement we will be judged by God and not by the world's standard. That might give you pause, for no one can live up to God's standard and by that we are all doomed. The reason is that God's standard has already been satisfied for me in Jesus Christ. When my life is judged and the Accuser reads aloud the lengthy list of my crimes against God, Jesus will take that list and burn it. That list is inadmissible in the final court because the price for those crimes was paid almost 2,000 years ago. When Jesus said, "It is accomplished", the victory over sin and death was won. How can we know this? When Jesus said, "I go to prepare a place for you", we believe Him. For those who believe, the Son of God would not waste time preparing a place if He planned only to give us the boot! Jesus told us that we are saved by believing in Him.

May God's blessings be upon you this weekend,


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