Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September 18, 2007

Good morning! Why do I continue in my endeavor to impress people? Do you find yourself locked in that same cage? I do not need to impress anyone, but I do need to obey God. It is a part of this sinful world that we will strive to impress others and seek their adulation. It is also a goad used by governments, advertisers, and most anyone else to get us to perform for their benefit. However, we know what will really benefit them and that is the salvation of Jesus Christ. Praise God that we cannot impress Jesus with our stellar performance in this world on our own. No matter what accolades the world heaps upon us, we can only impress Jesus by obeying Him! What is one command that Jesus repeated many times? Trust in Him. It sounds so easy to the untried, but how many times have you planned and plotted and worked to get out of some trial without coming to the Lord in prayer first? Guilty! I've done it, but I pray that you have trusted first in Jesus and stayed out the trap of trying to overcome in your own strength.

Praise God for His unwavering love of us all.


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