Friday, September 21, 2007

September 21, 2007

Good morning. I suspect all but a few have noticed the longer nights or shorter days by this time of the year. The stores want us to think of Halloween already, but it seems a long way off to me. The earlier sunset makes me ready for sleep a bit earlier than I would like at this time of the year, but I do enjoy the cooler temperatures. I even have a little tree out front that will change color and drop leaves this year. Sorry, but I seem to have no earth-rumbling, tree-bending piece of wisdom or advice today. Perhaps on this Friday God would rather I simply pass on a message of His love for you. Jesus' birth was announced by angels and heavenly stars, a message of love and hope was born in a manger in Bethlehem. That message was so strong that even a criminal's death could not stop Him from returning. One day soon He will return once more to gather us up and take us home. Hold on just a bit longer and share the message of hope and joy.

God loves you and I, hold onto that hope this day!


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