Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What If I'm Not One Of Those?

Sorry, yesterday was not election Tuesday, we have four weeks yet to endure of this thing. The privilege of voting is a blessing, but we do seem to pay a price leading up to the actual polling. Can we proclaim a 2-week period of quiet before the election for pondering? No? Ah well, I guess we will endure to the end. So, an election determines who will be our next president, but how do I get some of this compassion that Moses got to see?

Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” (Exodus 33:19)

There is no vote here, the Lord decides. Well, praise God for that! Wait, what do you mean, "What if I'm not one of those?" This is the story of that time the Lord hid Moses in a cleft of the rock so that he would not be overwhelmed by the sight of the Lord. But did you notice what the Lord passed before Moses first? His goodness. From that I believe that we do not have to worry over whether we are selected by the Lord to be one of those on whom He has compassion.His goodness comes first and thus we are all those on whom He would bestow His grace and mercy. If you still have trouble believing that, then perhaps you fail to see the riches and depth of our Lord's goodness.

If you are burdened by a suspicion that you do not have God's grace and compassion available to you, then skip all the pre-election rhetoric and ponder on God's goodness for the next four weeks. Reading and learning about God's goodness and His grace is a far better thing than reading about all the slings and arrows flying back and forth in this election. Believe in the Lord, because you are one of those.

Have a great day in Christ!

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