Wednesday, October 26, 2016

That First Summit

Way back in the bright ages of time - because why should they be dim when it is recorded in scripture? - Jacob and Laban held the first summit, so named because it was in fact on the summit. A peace treaty was made with conditions for both sides, oaths were sworn, and Jacob made a sacrifice to seal the deal.

Then Jacob offered a sacrifice on the mountain, and called his brethren to eat bread. And they ate bread and stayed all night on the mountain. (Gen 31:54)

And in the morning came the sound of scoldings from the tents of the brethren as the wives had their say. We too might ask why they stayed all night on the mountain after the ceremony. Was it too dark to find their way down? Not sure the wives would accept that excuse. Did the bread make them goofy, or did someone neglect to record what they washed it down with? Or, did the calling of God as witness require a solemn ceremony that lasted all night?

It is easy to put on the patriarchs all the sins we are tempted with each day. And while all these are certainly possible, the scripture has many stories of these sins, we don't have to force our sins on those of days gone by. God was called as witness and since this is recorded in His word, I believe He showed up for the ceremony and it took all night to celebrate the peace treaty. A family settled their differences, with God's help, and made peace.

Now, if only we could remember to call God to help us make peace in our families.

God's love and blessings to you,

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