Monday, May 09, 2016

Wearisome Toil At A Desk?

It is kind of funny, but in all those thousands of years between the expulsion from the Garden of Eden and right now, no one has come up with a solution for toil. We can turn over some work to robots, but then several human jobs may be lost, their families will starve, and civilization will shut down. We can decide to do no work and see how long the government will support our lack of effort, but those doing the effort and paying the taxes will get tired of supporting that sort of thing. We may work in a creative pursuit and earn nothing for our toil, and become one of those starving artists. We might work hard physically and earn much and have no energy left to enjoy it. Or, we might get that coveted, high-paying, desk job where all will be right with the world, right?

Solomon took it upon himself to find out many things and he wrote down what he learned in Ecclesiastes. Unfortunately, he found something all desk jockeys have long since learned: it's still toil. I have found many a time that I am weary at the end of a day when I did nothing physically demanding in the manner of tossing hay bales or serving customers their fast food kind of way. How did toil catch up to me when there was no toil involved? Solomon told us:

And further, my son, be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh. (Ecc 12:12)

Students and clerical/administrative/managerial workers all over have found the same bad news: we just cannot escape that toil no matter how hard we try. God said it would come, and toil we must until the world is made new by Jesus our Lord. Do you think that when God says this thing will happen, we should just believe Him from the start? Yup, I'm all for it. No experimentation needed; Jesus is coming again!


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