Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I Stood Alone

Yesterday, for a brief moment in time, I stood alone. Did God forsake me? Was I left alone to fall down? No, I was simply on the wrong day. When asked, I stated with firm conviction that it was Wednesday, which somehow works quite well today; I'll get back to you when I have that figured out. For that brief moment in my firmly held confusion I stood alone. For Jesus is here with us today, never leaving nor forsaking us. Our Lord holds the future in His hand, but not for us to jump into with ignorant abandon. We live with Him today not tomorrow.

Tomorrow is fraught with anxious worry. When I seek to steal a little tomorrow from the Lord's hand, I will gain that which I cannot hold. So hot in my sinful hand is that bit of tomorrow that it burns me with fear and dread. I can be wise and prepare for a tomorrow, but that is still work for today. To reach out and snatch a bit of tomorrow from the Master's hand is like that child who so wanted to be strong like his Dad that he raced ahead to grab the heaviest suitcase only to fall hard, yanked back by the violence of his snatching as the terrible weight of the suitcase overwhelmed his child-sized strength. The Lord our Father easily lifts the heavy suitcase of tomorrow; we are better off leaving it to Him for the duration of this journey.

Of course I'm being a bit silly. I wasn't really trying to leap ahead to another day, I was just having one of those moments where I stand completely baffled by this thing they call the calendar. It is after all such a complicated device at times. Weeks begin on Sunday and end on Saturday, but sometimes I just have this confusion about which day in between those we are enjoying at the moment. One thing I know in complete faith: whatever day this is, we walk it with our Lord and Master, Jesus the Christ!

Have a great today with Him!


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