Friday, May 20, 2016

Passing Droughts

In the business of selling stuff sometimes we come upon times when no one seems to want what we are trying to sell. We try for patience but the second guessing and anxious worries begin. The children will starve, the bill collectors will circle like ugly vultures, and bankruptcy is imminent. We enter a season of drought. We may have droughts in other areas of our lives too.

Israel had the regular droughts in the Old Testament and it had a drought of the Word of God for a few hundred years. Now that's a long drought, but it too passed. We can call them droughts or we can call them tribulations, but in either case they will come. The experience we have in these tribulations allows us to comfort others during their season of drought. I had a second-guesser in the office just the other day I tried to comfort, but his impatience was like a suit of armor on him. The current drought you and I may be enduring may be to teach us patience.

Let us endure the passing droughts with steadfast trust in God our Father. He will provide us the strength to endure to the end.


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