Monday, March 31, 2014

I Feel The Sting

Good morning as the debate rages outside. Snow or rain? The weather seems in a mood for either or both today. This weekend, I felt the sting of powerlessness. We don't much like that feeling. I think given the choice all of us would choose to live filled with the power to do something about many of the things we live with every day. A bunch of titans would walk the Earth. Need some money? I make you rich through my power! Need some healing? I make you well right now! The government not to your liking? Well, let me just make the adjustments you want! The problems we have now would of course be multiplied exponentially as billions of powerful titans changed everything that bothered every one. Then, there is the obvious question; if all of us were powerful, who would we help?

We may feel the sting of powerlessness, but it is best to follow God's way. Far better for all of us that One alone holds the ultimate power, and that He holds the wisdom, righteousness, and love to match it. We have faith and prayer. Those may seem puny in comparison, but that is because we tend to look at ourselves first. All those great qualities of God become available to us through faith and prayer. Does that mean that God always responds exactly in the way we wish? Ah, no, even the billions of wishes in the world are in conflict much of the time. However, we also gain the power to wait patiently on the Lord's way, and to trust in His answer as the best way.

For our comfort in this latest trial, let us recall James 5:16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." Oh, the power and effect I hoped for! To the prayer closet, Christ's man!

Love and affection in Christ,

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