Friday, March 14, 2014

Cheerful Gratitude

Good Friday! I hope that you have some plans for fun and cheerful gratitude this weekend. Does it go against our carnal nature to put cheerful and gratitude together? Sometimes it feels like it. A religious person might go for the sacrificial part of giving in a big way, and put his countenance into one that says, "look, and pity me for I have given much!" God sees our giving, and His count of how much does not depend upon the dollar figure of the gift. It is interesting that God likes our gratitude, and He likes our cheerful. But, where He really wants to meet us is at cheerful gratitude.

Cheerful gratitude doesn't harbor reservations about the gift. It brings a good feeling of faithful freedom when cheerful gratitude lives in us. Our spirit and God's Holy Spirit agree that it is good to meet in cheerful gratitude. Good feelings abound; sin is far away, and just maybe this is a little taste of Heaven. I find that cheerful gratitude brings me close to God and to those He loves (including me!). Cheerful gratitude takes my focus off my problems and pains, and places my mind on the giver and His wonderful gifts. Of course any good thing that takes the focus off the problems that surround us daily is a cause for some cheerful gratitude!

Enjoy the weekend in Christ!

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