Friday, February 17, 2017

Remember The Children

Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. (Matt 10:21)

The New King James version of the Bible contains 1,350 instances of the word 'children'. That seems to be a rather important subject in God's word. Yet perhaps the most chilling usage is in Matthew 10 where Jesus foretells a time when children will have their parents put to death. Imagine the many times when a child might find it convenient to have his or her parents taken away. A child's word backed up by the state, and the child's parents are taken away to be executed. That couldn't happen here, could it?

Sadly, we can read in our Lord's statement that it will go both ways. Overwhelming deception must be the reason behind this scourge of legalized murder, and of course a justice system that will believe anything. Are we there yet? No, not quite, although each of us could cite examples we have seen in the news. Lies under oath have produced lengthy prison terms for some, perhaps even executions for others. How far are we really from this time of fear? How far are we from that time of lawlessness spoken of by Daniel, Paul, John, and Jesus?

Remember the children and bring them up in the way of the Lord. For we may not have much time left before the children of a generation turn on their parents, and a father against his child, and brother against brother until death is the only winner in the contest. Remember the Lord while we may.


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