Saturday, February 18, 2017

Annual Superman Check

More powerful than a locomotive? Not really. Faster than a speeding bullet? Actually slower than most of my fellow humans. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Not even if I start on the elevator. Nope, this year is the same as many previous years, not a superman, just one of the boys. I build up these expectations throughout the year, but each year the, uh - what day is it? - the 18th of February rolls around and I am disappointed that I have not developed any super powers. Of course, you will easily see that the problem is not in my lack of what we call super powers but in those expectations.

There were in the Roman province of Judea a great many expectations for the coming of Messiah. The removal of the unwelcome title of 'Roman province' being just one of the expectations the people of Israel had for their future king. The tax burden they suffered under was another one that caused them some expectation of relief. To their great disappointment, Jesus did not go about fulfilling expectations. The obvious conclusion reached by many was that since the man from Nazareth did not fulfill their expectations, then He must not be the One True King.

But, but, their expectations were based on scripture, how could they be wrong? In order to make expectations of scripture, one must only pick the ones he or she likes best. Those other ones such as Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, and others must be ignored, or, dare we say it, disbelieved. Want a firm expectation of heaven for all? Simply disbelieve everything our Lord Jesus said about hell. Can we get rid of that one that tells us of tribulation in this world? Only if I disbelieve the faith of all those suffering around me. Now that would be a cruel thing for a superman to do.

The prophecies of our Lord's suffering and death were fulfilled, and so we must endure some of that tribulation for a while.

However, be of good cheer, He has overcome the world!


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