Saturday, February 04, 2017

Rejoicing in the Dance

“Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance,
And the young men and the old, together;
For I will turn their mourning to joy,
Will comfort them,
And make them rejoice rather than sorrow." (Jer 31:13)

Mourning over one thing or another seems to make up much of what we do here on this earth. Friends and relations fall along the way, and we mourn them. We lose houses, farms and other stuff and we mourn the loss. A favorite tool wears out and is not made anymore. A friend moves away and we cannot see him or her daily. A company parts ways with us and we mourn the loss of the job. Life is not all loss, but we do seem to have quite a bit of it. Through Jeremiah, God tells us that there will come a time when mourning and sorrow shall be ended.

To have the witness of two, John is told the same thing centuries later in the Revelation by our Lord Jesus. We can look forward to the time when the young women will rejoice in the dance with the young men and the old. God Himself will comfort us, turn our mourning to joy, and make us to rejoice rather than sorrow. It is a good promise based on the very word of our good God.

Blessing and honor to His Holy Name!

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