Monday, April 04, 2016

The Fruit of Our Nation

Fruit production shows what is deep inside the heart of a man or woman just like the trees our Lord mentioned. (see Matt 7:15-20) This also holds true for the nation of those men and women. Therefore the political candidates we wring our hands and heads over this year are nothing but us looking at the fruit of our nation. Kind of makes you a bit weepy inside with that feeling of weakness in the knees and back, eh? More than most nations, the words We The People sum up the tree we have grown in this land. You may be tempted to point to a neighbor or two, but we can see the fruits we have produced each day in our media.

An aside before you give up all hope in our nation: We do struggle against enemies, the spiritual powers of the realm of darkness as Paul mentioned in his letter to the Ephesians. Not all of the good fruit is reported or seen. Many believe in Jesus Christ in this nation and that produces a lot of that good fruit we don't always get to read about or see on the news. Above all, God is good and loves us with an everlasting love. Let us gather as God's people and pray before we lose all hope in this nation of ours.

So, we look today at some fruit that might appear a bit moldy, hairy, rotten past its expiration date, or riddled with that inside corruption we fear to bite into. We the people have produced that fruit. I'm sorry, but that weepy feeling is coming back. Of course if we keep staring at that fruit we might give up hope. The bad fruits of our nation are symptoms of what is rotten inside the tree. We know the cure for that is not within us. No political candidate stands a chance against the rottenness inside our tree. We, as God's people, must look to the One who cleanses us from the inside out: He can do the same for our nation.

Have a great prayer or two today!


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