Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Moving God's People

Have you ever popped a pill with your last swallow of a drink only to realize the drink went down but the pill stayed put? I wonder if moving people to where He wants them ever causes God any trouble. We can be some stubborn folk. The prophet Jonah didn't just stay put when the word of God came to him. Jonah took off in the opposite direction to the one God wanted him to travel. That may be an extreme example, but God had no trouble getting His reluctant prophet back to the right place. The problem God may have with us Christians may be more of an inertia thing than a Jonah thing. We tend to stay put unless an outside force acts on us. Nah, that's an unfair generalization. I'm sure there is many a Christian who will take off in the wrong direction when the Lord calls. Perhaps from fear, doubt and uncertainty, or from that old rebellious flesh, but we can pull a 'Jonah' just as well as God's prophet.

Focusing on us, we can see many a problem God might have in moving His people where He wants us. The problem there is whom we are focusing on. There is a good reason that God is called The Almighty. When we gave our lives to Him, we gave up that illusion of sovereign control the world says we have over life, events, and circumstance. If you or I have not moved for a while, it is probably because God has us planted right where he wants us to grow. Jonah's flight did not cause God to break out in a sweat; moving one of us would not trouble our Lord in the slightest.

The only problem my Lord has you see,
Is when I take my eyes off Him,
And look at me.

Have a wonderful day in Christ!


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