Tuesday, April 05, 2016

The Day of the Big Vote

Lately it seems that votes are a big surprise in many places. Opinion polls don't always reflect what happens in the voting booth. Today, we have a big vote in a little town, our little town to be more precise. What will happen we won't know until late tonight or tomorrow morning. Life may change, or...life will probably change either way the vote goes. Hard feelings may persist; the side that falls in the election may try different tactics, and the margin of the vote may cause heated analysis and discussion. Some of us are going to pray the vote goes one way, others may pray that our prayers are not answered in the affirmative. Gasp! The other side may pray too?

Yes, their faith may bring the other guys in prayer to whomever or whatever deity they serve. It may even be the Most High God whom we serve and come to in prayer. Why, because we believe. It is interesting that one aspect of the vote today involves faith, mostly because scientific evidence is not yet available to support what some believe to be true. Faith, even if it should turn out to be in the wrong method, material, or an imagined deity has a powerful effect on us. We must be quite careful in what or whom we place our faith. False prophets and false gods have deceived many throughout the ages. And, we fallen humans have a talent for just being plain old wrong.

Praise God that our Lord, God the Father, Jehovah, can deliver us from all snares, and get faith pointed in the right direction for those who are misled.


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