Monday, April 18, 2016

I Have Overcome the World!

Of course it's not me saying that. It would not take much investigation into my life to see that I cannot claim to have overcome the world, but rather it can be seen that in many ways the world has thrown me down the stairs of life many a time. My defeat can be seen in my fears, failures, fallacies, and fainting along the way. However, in focusing on all of that, I can see that the critic has taken the measure of me without taking into account the Son of my God!

Indeed, the Lord of my life has overcome this world and all the powers and principalities in it. He said it in John 16:33. When I fall, He lifts me up. When I fail, He covers my shame. It is good to be one of His beloved.

The son of King Nebuchadnezzar inherited the greatest kingdom of the age. This king had all that we feel we need to overcome the world. The best and brightest of his peoples came to the capital to share their knowledge and learn from each other. The most attractive of women and men were available for the king's pleasure. The most skilled of cooks and artisans produced whatever the king might desire in foods or toys to play with. And celebrity? Well, this man was king! Yet, with four little words written on the wall, this mighty king was utterly overthrown.

Then the king’s countenance changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his hips were loosened and his knees knocked against each other. (Dan 5:6)

Yow, that is not overcoming the world! That is an extreme fear. This king, a man with all that we might think would save us in this world: wealth, servants, celebrity, military strength, university learning, political power, and his kingly abilities, is utterly overcome by the Lord writing four little words on a wall. Yes, my Lord has overcome the world. Let us not forget Him when the world comes to knock us down.

Have a happy tax day!

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