Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How 'bout I Stay Here Today

We have active imaginations, or at least I do. Maybe some of you don't know what that is, but I suspect that probably you know quite well. This imagining takes us to the future; the one that we don't know and cannot predict with any accuracy. The future where Jesus does not wait for us or travel with us because it is a lie. We imagine all sorts of horrors in that future, few of which are spoken in the Bible, God's word about the future that will happen. Even if we train our imagination to imagine only those seals, trumpets and vials God revealed in the Revelation, we don't know the timing of them or whether you and I will be a part of them. So, I made a decision this morning with the Spirit God has given me: How 'bout I stay here today.

When Jesus told us in Matthew 28:20 that He would be with us always, even to the end of the age, He said it in the present, that present where He and I walk together. Jesus states it in the present: "and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." 'I am' is not in that horrible future we try to dwell on and worse, control.

I have noticed in my mental ruminations that the imagination is not a very controllable beast, though I try to make it so. Horrors will creep their way in when my imagination opens the doors to them. As I try to imagine victories in whatever arena is bothering me on this day, the imagination lets in a few wild beasts to tear up the place of my fantasy triumph. Jesus patiently waits back in the present for me to return from that little and dangerous mental excursion. The Lord can lead in a prophecy, but He has no part of those fantasies where the imagination does not serve me well. How often do I frighten myself half to death with anxious visions made up of nothing and accomplish nothing at the same time? So, once again as the Lord is willing to keep me: How 'bout I stay here today.


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