Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Season of Stillness

The basement air can get a bit stale or still at the time of the year when the air conditioner doesn't run yet the house is too warm for the furnace. To me this reminds of the words of the Lord: "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" (Psalm 46:10) A command: be still and know that I am God, is followed by a couple of interesting promises. Do you think that God is exalted right now in our nation or in the earth? Yes, in our hearts and churches, in prayer and in faith, God is indeed exalted. However, we can also point to many examples where our Lord is despised and rejected of men. Many would not have us pray in public or see the words from the Word shown in government or other public places. The promises of that verse remain though, and faith reminds us that all of our Lord's words will be fulfilled.

Many are the promises of the Psalms, and the gospels, and the prophets, and the Revelation, and any other books of the Bible. Jesus fulfilled many of those promises and those that remain are coming soon in the return of our Lord. We have much to look forward to in this season of stillness as we meditate on the Word. Our hope and joy reside in Christ. The Comforter promised by our Lord reminds us daily of Him and of His returning. The Father eagerly and earnestly awaits the coming of all whom His Son has kept from the world's evil one. Let us follow the Good Shepherd into the house of the Lord!

God's love and peace to you,

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