Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Difficult Lesson

One of the more difficult lessons to teach and sermons to minister arrives in John 19, the crucifixion of our Lord. So heart wrenching is this part of the good news that many Christians would often rather not go there. I think that as we become more aware of the state of our sin under the Holy Spirit's guidance, we become that much more aware of the price our Lord paid on the cross. Reading of the scourging, beating, humiliation, and crucifixion of our Lord becomes painful and uncomfortable to us. However, this is the cure we need for sin.

Unlike the sometimes awful cures we may endure in this age that may or may not work, this cure, paid for dearly by our Lord, does work perfectly. We must focus on the cure, the good that Jesus worked in this, or we may easily fall into despair over our former condition. Yes, former condition, for this cure works on us even now and not just on some future day. Forgiveness of sin is ours by the gift of God through Christ Jesus. We don't have to dwell long on our sin just as Jesus didn't dwell long in the ground. As up from the grave Christ arose, so must up from the doldrums our spirits soar! Trust in the saving grace of Christ and live in Him!


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