Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones

Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! (Ezekiel 37:4)

What must Ezekiel have thought when the Lord took him out to a valley and told him to preach to a bunch of dry bones? A few ministers might not have to wonder what that is like even in this enlightened age. What a test for the aspiring prophet or minister though. Here, if you can breathe some life into this valley of dry bones, you can call yourself a preacher!

Some mornings, my well of ideas for the devotional seems like a valley of dry bones. No life, no ideas, nothing much going on, and all the feverish activity of dry bones slowly bleaching in the sun. Yet, as Ezekiel watched, the bones took on ligaments and tendons, nerves and blood vessels, fat and muscle and skin, and a great army stood before him. Ezekiel of course did nothing to accomplish this, he simply spoke the word at God's command. Exactly as we are to do in whatever ministry over dry bones we have in Christ. What happens after we speak the word is up to the Lord.

I can't save anyone, and neither can you. My words may be brilliant or dull on any given day, but my job is to write them as God commands. It's easy to become paralyzed with worry over writing the next great Christian devotional when all I really have to write about is how great our God is!

Have a great day in Christ!

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