Saturday, May 17, 2014

We Know, But Maybe We Don't Hear It Enough

Good Saturday morning! I was thinking today, a dangerous occupation at the best of times, but what I thought was not so dangerous, or maybe it is. We know that Jesus loves us, but maybe we don't hear it nearly enough. Let me say it to you this morning: "I have an overlooked un-secret to share with you this morning...Jesus, really loves you!" Yes, this statement is so not secret. Yet, we go about most days as though it is the most highly-classified and closely held secret that ever crossed the desk of the most zealous 'Top Secret' stamper in the NSA. (In fact, the NSA invented levels above Top Secret to satisfy this zealous stamper, but we don't need to go into that this morning.) It's no secret! Jesus loves each of us with a love that abided right up to the cross and right out of the grave and on to Heaven. That love abides in Him today. What? 'Abided' isn't a word? Then how is it that the love of Jesus abided in Him so well? :-)

I am glad this morning that Jesus loves me, and that His love abides in Him and on me. We all might take a page out of that book of love and share it with others this morning. Now, don't skip the dear friends in Christ just because as we like to say, "They already know that Jesus loves them." They do, but not one of us hears it often enough. It is so special to hear it from someone else that we don't realize how special it is. Try it out on someone, see what happens.

Jesus loves you deeply this morning!

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