Monday, May 12, 2014

Drippy Day Meditations

Good morning! I hear a one foot figure floating about on the news and it involves snow. We didn't get any snow out here, but then we are grateful not to have the tornadoes either. Sometimes it is good to ride the storm out in the middle. Soon, would be a good time for a shower and then to get going out to clients. Oops, I see snow flakes in the air. I wonder if this comes as a result of my playing a Bing Crosby Christmas album on my PC this morning. I don't have one subject for the devotional this morning or one title that stands out above the clutter in my brain. What occurs to me is that we never know what statement or condition may not speak to an unbeliever to send him/her seeking, asking and knocking after Jesus our Lord.

We may look up to the Lord in supplication seeking only to endure a circumstance in the valley of death's shadow. Yet, that faith may speak to someone we did not observe watching us from a little distance. The affliction or tribulation that causes my mind to turn inward in prayer for relief or steadfast strength may throw out a seed I didn't see. The seed may find fertile ground in another with the same tribulation. Those who do not yet believe suffer similar distress without the hope we have in Christ. You and I may never know what action or patient endurance affects a planting of that same hope in a fellow sufferer. Let us today live in Christ and trust Him to shine the light all around us.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

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