Tuesday, May 27, 2014

He Is

Good morning! I gazed for a moment at a definition. Two types of these things are global and local. One declared outside a function is global; the other declared inside is local. Hmm, I began to turn a few early morning brain gears. Jesus lived on the earth and declared himself, therefore He is global. Jesus died and rose again and lives in us through His Holy Spirit, therefore He is also local. One little problem, the definition is for a variable, and Jesus is most definitely not a variable. Once more I run into trying to fit Jesus into some sort of box or definition. He is, and I cannot make Him into what I think. It is worse than trying to pound the ol' square peg into the round hole. This is the creation trying to define the Creator.

The Judeans of Palestine back in Jesus' day tried to make Him king. This seems rather bizarre to us, but I guess if we go back to the first king we may find some insight. Saul knew nothing about ruling as a king. The Israelites wanted a king to stand between God and them, a form of rejection with which God was not at all pleased. In a strange twist, the Israelites seemed to think of their king in terms of ownership: as in, "We went to God and demanded a king, God relented and gave us one, so therefore we own the king." God said through Samuel His prophet that the king would not act that way, and would in fact rule in the more familiar (at least to us) authoritarian way. Saul did, but centuries later the Judeans seemed to have that same backward idea of kingship and tried to force Jesus to be their king. Just like with a programming definition, Jesus didn't fit into their box. Jesus is the King of kings, not a king by human election or force.

Some things in life seem to be similar to our Lord. Not surprising, the stamp of the Creator is going to show through even under the stain of sin. However tempting it may be though, I cannot fit the Lord into my definitions and perceptions. Me limited, Him not. He is; I am because He created me. I don't make Him by my definitions - He is. How do I find out more about who He is? Read His word, seek Him in prayer, and live in Christ as He lives in me. He is; I'm glad!

Have a great new day in Christ!

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