Friday, May 09, 2014

Are We Like Peter Gone Astray?

Good morning! I walked into the kitchen with my water glass this morning to find a pile of cat on the floor (of cat, not from the cat). Most of the time, his poses are more the classical cat poses seen back to forever, including the leg in the air like a feline exclamation point one. This morning the thing appeared to have collapsed into an indefinite pile of fur. I guess we all have mornings like that as we get older. So, the NFL draft began last night. I watched the chart on my PC as it slowly filled in toward the bottom. I wondered though, who would you and I pick for our life team. Not among the young college football stars, but among anyone at anytime. Did you choose Jesus as your first round pick? You didn't? What happened?

We may think that Jesus chooses us, or that He is maybe already the coach and is therefore ineligible for the draft. Perhaps, we see our Lord as the team owner and drafting Him as ridiculous. Whatever the reason, are we like Peter gone astray in this? You see, at one moment in time, Peter had the opportunity to have the Lord, the Son of God, wash his feet. Peter refused. Perhaps the disciple felt that the King of kings was too good, too high and mighty, to do such a humble task. Yet, Jesus said that Peter would have no part of Him if he could not allow this service. Yes, Jesus does choose us first, but we also choose Him. He is coach, captain, Lord and leader, but the Lord also serves us even in the humble things. As our redeemer, Jesus owns our very life, but He calls us friend. We would do well to draft Jesus as our first pick. He is after all, quite capable of acting as owner, coach, and best player on our life team.

God's blessings to you on this great Friday in Christ!

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