Thursday, May 08, 2014

A Small Light

It's May 8th and the snow is falling, nothing out of the ordinary going on around here. Snow on top of the dandelions, a robin bouncing around in the flakes, white on the green tree leaves, nope, pretty much what we expect in May. Let's talk illusion this morning. Sin and its prince are good at illusion. Sin seductively says that all the stress will go away if we just indulge in a little sinful behavior. The illusion breaks when that behavior brings only more sadness and stress.

One night, with the light behind me in the kitchen, I stared down the stairs into the dark basement. All seemed profoundly dark, even impenetrable to my sight. But, another night I left a white laundry basket down there. On this night, the illusion of dark depth was easily dispelled by the white color of the basket. As God's lights in a world of darkness, we are those little lights that dispel the illusion of dark depth. The world can see us, and by the life we lead know that it is not impossible to be saved.

The whip of the law never worked, but the love of Jesus does. Every time one of us refuses to sin, we shine the light of "I love you" to the world of darkness. You and me are small lights, but that is all it takes when the darkness is illusion. In the time of Jesus, those living in darkness saw a great light. Today, there are many little lights pointing the way to the great light of Jesus.

Shine a little light today by being who you are in Christ,

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