Saturday, November 30, 2013

Whither Goes The Word

Good Saturday morning! I hope that your Thanksgiving feasting is a pleasant memory reinforced by leftovers. Sometimes I get a title for the devotional and then must ask a question such as: what is a 'whither'? The archaic literary adverb means: to what place or state. We know from the Bible that the Word is established from everlasting to everlasting, is the first and the last, the Alpha and Omega, and other qualities that make this a moot question. However, what I really ask when stating this sort of question is: "Where are You taking me, Lord?" or "What is tomorrow going to spring on me?" Questions like that don't often get an answer from God. We are not to worry over tomorrow, but stick with the day we are given. The destination is Heaven, but between there and now, we may have quite a journey with many destinations. God doesn't spell all of it out for us lest terror keep us from the journey. Some of the seasons and destinations in this life thus far I would rather have avoided. However, I have faith that God is leading me in the way that will make me into His image. As God leads us back to Him, and makes us into His image along the way, then I guess the state and place of whither are both answered. And that is the Thanksgiving we give thanks for!


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