Saturday, November 09, 2013

Some Words Are Easy, But Jesus Has Overcome the World

Good Saturday morning as the neighbors gather and take off for destination unknown. Could it be a hunting Saturday? It is very likely at this time of the year. Those strange fellows are singing about jasmine in their minds again. I think if a person snorts a scent so hard that it gets into his mind he should probably back off a bit. Just a bit of folk wisdom there. Is it possible to come to a point in life and just decide not to be that way anymore? I think so, but not in my own strength. Some words are easy, as I was reminded earlier this week, but Jesus has overcome the world!

I woke up this morning to read Isaiah and came to the part about the unfaithful city. Now, in the past I have taken this guilt upon myself. I think this is easy for Christians to do as we study the Old Testament. We want to be like Jesus, so we try to grab up His cross and take it to Calvary. A couple of problems there: Jesus said that the follower is to take up his cross, as opposed to His cross, and we are not Jesus.

The great sacrifice of God's Son need be done only the one time. We have accounts of that time to read in the gospels. We do not need to try to carry the cross that Jesus bore to Calvary. The cross that bore the sins of the world is a heavy, crushing weight. How can we take the burden that is light and the yoke that is easy if we are crushed under a weight of sin and guilt that does not belong to us? I have tried it out and failed miserably as you might expect.

As the sun dawns in the sky, a new Son dawns in my life. His word to remind me: You're not that way anymore. I am not that way anymore. Is it possible to walk away from the darkness of the past? Yes, in Christ. In just me, no, it ain't gonna happen. But in the strength of Christ all things fall before us. Will it be immediate and complete like the blind men of old? Maybe, don't give God's power short estimate, but it may also be a long journey with Jesus. 'I can't' has a formidable opponent in the Word. Paul gives us a potent daily reminder for the short heal or the long journey: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Look up! Your redemption draws near.

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