Friday, March 08, 2013

We Were Part of the Problem

Good Friday morning! Hermmm, my walk was geezless this morning. Perhaps the flocks are insulted by my abuse of the name. I shall go above their heads and put in a request with their Creator for more geeze flocks in the morning. Of the many sins listed in the Bible, I am not going to pick one out to pick on today. We were all part of the problem at one time. In the world, we would desperately like in our carnal hearts for everyone to be basically decent. The carnal heart would like everyone to have a ticket to heaven except for a few truly heinous souls that we can all somehow agree were too evil to be allowed past the pearly gates. This is in opposition to what the Bible says. In fact, no one has a ticket to Heaven and no one will be allowed past the pearly gates based on basic human decency.

The baby named Moses needed a reed basket to stay afloat on the river because in his natural state he would drown. We are born the same way. All us came into this world underwater in our sins. We needed a savior, and God sent His Son to be our Savior. It wasn't that we decided to be born into sin, we just happened to be that way. We did not get to decide our birthplace, but we very much need an outside hand to lift us out of that dark place.

I too would in my carnal heart like to have everyone born neutral. Walk the line of good behavior, make your good deeds more positive than your evil deeds and have Peter check the balance and see that most everyone is okay to enter heaven. We would all arrive in this heaven and find that God is not there. What happened? Well, according to the Bible, God's justice would not be satisfied with that. He would not have a bunch of 'good' people with Him in heaven, He would have a bunch of sinners. The lie we want to believe in our carnal heart is that a good deed makes up for a sin. We were part of that problem.

Any sin is a rebellion against God, and not one of us can make up for that by a good deed done to selfishly save our self. Paul reminds us that all have sinned and fallen short of God's standard. Isaiah tells us that our good deeds are as filthy rags. How can we save ourselves? Born into an ocean of sin, what land would we stand on to avoid the drowning? Our deepest need is a Savior from our sin, and God in His glorious love has provided One. Praise the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We were part of the problem, and now we have a message of hope for a drowning world.


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