Wednesday, March 06, 2013

There Must Be Something New To Try

Good morning as the sun begins to warm up the air this fine day. Nothing that I try works, everything I attempt fails, now I must trust in the Lord. At some point in our tribulations we may well reach a point where we say something much like that. Our strength is exhausted, the imagination dried up, and suggestions we hear are redundant or ludicrous. This will happen as we grow in our faith, and indeed God may want us at that place where we have nothing to offer by way of solution and must learn to trust in Him alone. However, we do at times try to shortcut that process.

We are tempted to think that after we have tried everything, then we should trust in God. But I say, trying to sound like my Lord Jesus, that we should trust in God before we do anything. Then, when we come to that place where we have attempted all we can think of, the trust we need is already in place. We might try to hold off the saving grace of our Lord by thinking that there must be something new to try. What am I missing? Just hold on a minute, Lord, while I try to think here. That solution will never come, because we know already that God's Son is the only way to be saved. So, why do we want to wait to trust in the Lord now? Yet the temptation is there we must admit. We all want to go to the Lord with the solution to say, "Look what I did for you, God!"

Our job as a Christian is to say to the world, "Look what God has done for me!" Let us start the conquest of our trials and tribulation by trusting in God at the first. Some tribulations can only be endured, there is no solution that will result in relief or healing. For those, trusting in God is the only choice, though we may not accept that truth at the first. Trust in God will also help us for that trial that has not arrived yet. Let us trust in God now, when we do not know what is stalking us around the next corner.

God bless you all,

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