Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mission: Weep

Good Tuesday morning to you. My geezes were back today. Must be something good about going to Bible study when it hurts a bit. Yup, that alarm went off mighty early this morning, or at least it seemed that way. Mission for today: research plutocrats (the very wealthy) and contrast their lives with our current state of poverty. Report: I can't, I'm weeping too much.

The difference in resources between the very wealthy and most of us is so great today that we have plenty to weep over in this world. Did Jesus spend a lot of time correcting that state in His ministry? There was a rich young man Jesus told to give away his wealth and then to come and follow. Jesus did contrast the giving of the wealthy with the giving of a widow and her two mites. Jesus did say that the poor would always be with us, but the Bible does not record Him walking the streets handing out bags of gold. However, Jesus did feed thousands at two memorable occasions in the scripture. Jesus was aware of the poor, and He told them not to worry.

How can we know that message was for the poor? Who worries about whether they will have enough to eat or something to wear tomorrow? The poor. The rich do not need to worry for those things. I find it amusing and enlightening that Jesus did not hand a poor fellow a bag of money, but said to not worry for our Father is aware of the need. If I look at the world and its inequality, I am moved to weep. But, when I look to the Father in faith, and learn to trust completely, I have no reason to weep over the poor. I do see the need to bring all of us before God in prayer. I believe God sees all needs, but I also think He likes to be asked and most definitely trusted. Trust in God is the real wealth, not what someone else may have in their bank account. Trust is more difficult to learn and requires the greater faith. Trust Him.


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