Friday, March 15, 2013

Enough To Satisfy The Quest

Good Friday! Hope you enjoy this St. Patrick's Day weekend. This morning are you on a quest? Seeking knowledge perhaps, or maybe you are on a quest for something that will satisfy a yearning. We all have our quests, some spoken and others unknown even to us. A terrible fate though is to fund a quest that does not satisfy. The object of the quest proves unattainable, or worse, the object of the quest comes too easily or does not satisfy the need. Many have found their quest aimed at the wrong desire or object. Others attain their heart's desire only to find that the wicked heart has misled them. The stuff that piles up in the home and garage is infamous for not satisfying. Money is treacherous and slippery. Our quest must be for something more, uh, more... we may not even be sure 'more of' we are looking for.

A quest in God's word satisfies. I don't know how God does it, but this word written thousands of years ago holds treasure that fills the need in my heart and soul. Sometimes the quest is for an immediate need, and the Word provides ready answers. Other times, the quest is only satisfied with much digging and searching, then the Word gives slowly and requires much effort. Once in a while a surprise fulfills a quest that I did not realize as I read at random. Other times, a context is provided in a story not contained in the Bible. A Christian fiction novel may hold a bit of the Word in a story that touches my heart. You might say that I have been parabled, in that case.

If you and I will let God's word into our hearts through study and reading, or even just opening the cover and letting the dust fall off, we will find our quest satisfied. Trust in Jesus.


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