Friday, March 29, 2013

Trusting in God is My Happy Place

Good Friday morning! I met a man this morning who lost a son. The man knew about my God, who also lost a son. I am blessed beyond anything I deserve. This morning I thought that my devotional would be that trusting in God is my happy place, and then I met a man who lost a son, and you know the rest of the story. Trusting in God leads us to a place that cannot be explained by human methods and strength.

We all have tragedies in our lives that should lead us to rampant bitterness, anger, rage, and all manner of hatred toward God and then lead us to questions about the why's and wherefore's of this messed up place He created. But then, on this day of all days, we meet a God who gave up His Son that we may live...forever. God knows the worst of our feelings of loss and anger, His Son bore them on the cross. God knows how easy it might be to turn a bitterness to hatred; He knows all things. God sent a way out of that tendency we share. He sent His Son to save us from this sin.

There is more to God's sharing too. Sons and daughters, wives and husbands, mothers and fathers, friends, siblings, buddies, pets (yes, them too), we have all lost those we treasure in this life, and God has been there with us through every loss. His Holy Spirit grieves with us, comforts us, and shares those feelings that we don't think we can ever endure again. Who comforted God when His Son died on the cross?

With that thought on this Crucifixion Day, we'll await our next observance of Resurrection Day or Easter. Tomorrow, though I do not know what tomorrow will bring, if God is willing - The Lights Went Out.

God bless you and keep you, and make His face to shine upon you,

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