Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pop It Like Esther

Good morning! After much effort, the work is done. Song, story, painting, or spoken word, you have something to present to the world. One little problem, nothing in it seems to mention God, or His Son, or for that matter even a stray apostle or two. What about this work is to the glory of God? Guilt overwhelms, what horrors the wicked heart has dredged up! Hold on there just one moment. Pop culture is a wicked place for the most part, but perhaps a little translation might be in order to get a person's attention. Jesus stands at the door and knocks, and maybe with a little help from one of your works or deeds, a sinner might be convinced to walk to that door in the heart-wall to open it.

You belong to God since the day of your creation, and twice belong to God with the day of your repentance and salvation. Do you not think that God can guide the work of your hands to glorify His name? You may have spent the day programming a computer, building a car, or staring at the walls in a doctor's office, but somehow, and we don't always understand how, we are here glorifying God in our work.

Great novels, songs, and paintings have glorified God overtly, but others have been more subtle. Yet, the readers, viewers and listeners have heard what is behind the front. A person may deliberately act stupid, but the Holy Spirit speaks to the heart, and we realize when an author, painter, or a worker on the shop floor believes in God. We may not sign a work with the name of God's Son explicitly, but it will show in our efforts. This cat behind me is not labeled, 'God', but for those who believe we can see God's handiwork in the wonder of this creature. Yes, we do at times see the influence of the curse of this fallen world too. As God's work, you and I are written on in the bold strokes of God's Son. This will show in our work, whether we state it or not. Your work may be like the book of Esther. God's name is not stated, but His influence is there for those who want to see it.


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