Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vengeance Belongs To God

As I try to work out how many seconds my not-very-many watt microwave needs to heat up my cornbread, I realize that I made some quite good cornbread yesterday. I like cornbread, and it has the added value of being inexpensive to make. However, I cannot but help think of those who would very much enjoy a piece of cornbread, or any other bread for that matter, on their plate this morning. Who speaks for these poor of the world? While wealth pours into the rich man's accounts, who will avenge those the world treats so badly?

Near the end of Schindler's List, the camp commandant, Amon Goethe, is hung from a makeshift gallows. To those who suffered under his reign, a simple hanging could never be enough to make up for the terror and death of the camp. Who will take vengeance upon this man? If the actual man, and there was one by that name, committed the acts of murder and terror portrayed in the movie, who will carry out justice? Of course we know the answer to that from the Bible.

God reserves vengeance to Himself. Yes, even on cats committing the heinous crime of playing with my colored pencils. Not to fear, a cat playing on my drawings is an improvement to my 'art'. I shy away from the issue at hand this morning because that is what we must do at times. The desire for vengeance is one of those overwhelming feelings that arises in our carnal hearts. This is one that we must flee to the Lord from when anger combines with the desire to get 'em back. We try to 'get even' when we know that is not possible. Leave it to God, who knows hearts, minds, motivations, and of course, the circumstance far better than you or I.

Praise the name of our Lord Jesus!

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