Monday, February 04, 2013

Well, That Was a Strange Ending

Good Monday morning! OK, take a safety on purpose, win the game. We like to see the Elway-style last minute drive to a touchdown to win the game. A kind of roll-over-and-fake-death ending to the game seems a little disappointing somehow. Did the ref blow the call in the end zone or not is just a part of the post-game argument. Taking a safety seems just so... chicken feathers, and that's an insult to chickens. We didn't get to see what we wanted to see, a drive from a punt return to try for that touchdown. However, I am reminded of another situation in which the people didn't get what they wanted.

This is a Christian devotional; I can't talk about football all morning and call it good. On what we call Palm Sunday, Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to the shouts of the adoring crowd. They were there to see their idea of Messiah kick some Roman butt right out of Judea and set up a new earthly kingdom. I wonder if they would have joined in the fight if Jesus had the disciples hand out spears and marching boots. We know from the Bible that Jesus predicted his death three times before arriving at that triumphal entry. Our Lord did not lead a revolt against Rome, but told the scribes to pay Caesar's taxes. Jesus died on the cross as a lowly criminal in the eyes of those hoping for a new kingdom. Jesus had a job to do, and it wasn't what the people expected.

A football coach has a job to do as well. His is to win the game, not necessarily give us what we want to see. Taking a safety did the job last night, even if I, for one, was a bit disappointed. I have God's word to manage my expectations about Christ's death on the cross. I can rejoice in it because I know what Jesus accomplished. And I also can read and understand that the ending is not so strange at all.

God bless you on this day!

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