Sunday, August 03, 2008

Struggles - August 3, 2008

Good Sunday morning! How goes the struggle with you today? I know that as believers in Christ Jesus, you are facing some struggle on this day. Perhaps more than one, but I know that whether the volume is muted or turned on full, your struggle will confront you every day. Am I possessed of some pipeline to knowledge about each of you? No, I simply know that as each of us lives to believe and trust in Jesus we will be at odds with the world and its prince. We cannot avoid it without giving up our faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Messiah. Jesus will not let us go, and we don't want to be let go. Therefore, your struggle and my struggle will continue throughout this lifetime. Does that make you want to give up? To go back to bed? No, we also know that in this great struggle we are borne up by the love and power of God Almighty. The life of struggle is capped by a great promise. Whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life. We read it in John 3:16, a verse that comes up many times in our lives. However, in times of struggle and trial, we need to remember that promise and trust in the one who made that promise. Who loved the world so much? For God loved the world so much that He gave His Son... A promise sealed with God's own Son, Jesus. Life may be a struggle, but life everlasting with Jesus is a reward beyond our imagining. Hallelujah to the Son!

Have a wonderful Sunday in Jesus!


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