Sunday, August 24, 2008

Doing Nothing? - August 24, 2008

Good Sunday morning! What started as another bright, sunny day has changed into an overcast, cool day. My sun tea is not warming as I expected it to. If only my vision extended to over the horizon, I could have seen the clouds coming and adjusted my plans. Well, our vision does not extend out that far, and yet we often question the one whose vision does see that far and beyond. Sometimes after questioning God, I have to wonder "who am I to question the omniscient Creator?" We do have the opportunity to ask "why?" and often the Lord will answer that question to us, though he certainly owes us nothing. How great and wonderful is our God! We can question and wonder about His plans for us and for the world, and then receive answers directly and through His holy Word. Many religions would stand agape at a person questioning the deity. However, we do not have a religion, we have a relationship with God who loves us. The world is tired of hearing it, but say it again. We have a relationship with a loving God. We love our Lord Jesus and He died to save us from our sin. Hallelujah to the God Most High!

Number 2 in Pastor Kenneth Copeland's five steps to enter into God's rest.... sit down, if you knew what to do, it wouldn't be a trial. I like that; a big part of any problem or trial is that we don't know where to go or what to do. The Lord wants us to pause for a moment, come to Him, and He will let us know what to do or not do. Some trials will involve us simply not doing anything though we may want to very badly. Don't believe that? Think about the times you wanted to speak out in anger and are now glad that you didn't, or worse, regretting that you did. I have done it before and I pray that I will obey next time and keep my mouth shut when the Lord puts it upon my heart to keep quiet. One thing that we do not regret, and that is the saving grace of Jesus. No matter how we may stumble in sin or embarrass ourselves in public, we are forgiven in Christ.

Praise God for the new day!


1 comment:

lesli said...

We should also remember Copeland as he continues to get attacked by Senator Grassley's camp. Keep him in your prayers, and pray that the right decision will be made in the case.