Thursday, April 24, 2008

Time is Passing - April 24, 2008

Good morning! A popular song from a few years back is entitled, "We have all the time in the world." This may seem to date me a bit, but I was thinking that with the availability of media in this day, a person can be a huge fan of movies from the 1940's, and yet be born as late as the 1990's. Many of the older films have been available on DVD for some time now. The world may feel that it has nothing but time, but we know better. Time is growing short for this world. On the other hand, we are counseled, even commanded in the Bible, to have patience. This would seem to be a dichotomy. How do we have patience and yet keep in mind that time is passing quickly for the world? In this we must know that God's plan will take place in God's perfect time. Jesus may arrive today, or He may arrive in 10,000 years, we simply do not know the date. In this we must count on the patience of our Lord and have faith in His perfect timing. On the other hand, we must spread the Good News to a world in danger of coming to the end times.

Two of Jesus' prime examples in this world are farmers and fishermen, both occupations require a person to learn patience. A farmer plants and then does not see a crop until a few months later. Fishermen may go all day without a strike on their line. Yet both occupations know that the time will come to harvest, one can see the growing plants and the other has signs to watch for as well. The signs are all around us and even in the history books. I believe that we only need to be patient for a short time; a short time that may consist of hours, days, years, or decades, but a short time nonetheless. A popular saying we learn in life is "this too shall pass." Our problems may seem about to choke us, but patience will show us to the end, both in our own life and problems, and in the bigger picture of this world. Stand on the promise that the time is quickly passing us on to the great appearing of our Lord.

God bless you on this fine day,


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