Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Time Draws Near - April 10, 2008

Good Thursday morning! We awaken to more snow and a cold day. Last night, I watched a show on HDNET about some very interesting people. However, beyond those folks was the experiment to inject stem cells from some other beast into a mouse embryo. The experiment was deemed a success and a chimera, something that is a combination of two very dissimilar beasts, was created in the lab. Cloning and stem cell research has reached the point where almost anything is possible. Great news for some, frightening news for others, and glorious news for us. Why glorious? I think that when some scientists start talking about making humans immortal then we are very close to the end times and Jesus glorious reappearing. This ties in very closely with what Pastor Rogers' devotional says today. I have long since quit being surprised when a devotional from someone who has gone to be with the Lord, matches very closely with something that I feel compelled to write about on any given day. Where is this world going? We already know that from the scriptures. There already are, and there will be more, amazing scientific advances. The pace of technology and science discoveries has become dizzying. One day someone will pronounce that because of some new discovery, we no longer need religion, or God. You can safely rest in the knowledge that God will make His glorious presence known, even among those who refuse to believe. Let God open our eyes to see His glorious presence in every area of our lives.

Hallelujah to the King of kings!


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