Monday, April 28, 2008

Experience to Help - April 28, 2008

Good Monday morning! We are off to work for another week! Today, I cannot but help think that we are blessed in our lives. Yes, there are many obstacles and opportunities in our lives. Some do not have jobs, others do not have a spouse, and many other problems and potentialities that we focus on each day. However, in Christ we live blessed lives full of hope, joy, and peace. Having a condition or experiencing a situation that causes us hardship gives us an invaluable opportunity to help others when they experience something similar. It has happened often to me and I am sure that you can recall the same thing in your walk with Christ. As we work to pray for one another, God will send other people into our lives with needs of their own. Without the experience of PTSD in my life, I would be much less valuable to those around me with stress difficulties of their own. We are allowed, even encouraged, to counsel one another in this life. Each of us knows suffering and through that experience we learn how to help others. Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross at Calvary, and now He knows how to save us in this life and the next! Trust in the saving power and grace of Jesus Christ our Lord.

God bless you,


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