Wednesday, September 02, 2020

The Government Speaks

“Now listen to another story. A certain landowner planted a vineyard, built a wall around it, dug a pit for pressing out the grape juice, and built a lookout tower. Then he leased the vineyard to tenant farmers and moved to another country." Matthew 21:33

If the landlord built his vineyard in the United States, he might wake up to a news report that he cannot evict his tenant farmers for non-payment of rent until at least January 1, 2021; the government has spoken. The Centers for Disease Control will publish, that is make it official, on September 4th, a document that a tenant can hand to his or her landlord to prevent any eviction for the last 4 months of this year. Any of us can read the unpublished draft right now on the Federal Register's website*. Of course we would have to fudge the story a bit and make our tenant farmers live in the vineyard (quite possible that huts/homes would be included) as this order covers residences. On the other hand, the landlord might be grateful for this option as the story our Lord Jesus told goes on to tell of beaten, stoned, and murdered servants, and finally the loss of the landlord's own son! 

We can see that the bad guys in our Lord's story were the religious and political leaders of Israel, mostly because the scripture says that they realized it themselves quickly enough. We also see that the Lord God is Himself the landlord of this Earth, and that we are the tenants of His vineyard. This is confirmed in Revelation 14 when the vineyard is harvested and the bad tenants are... well, let us not go into that before breakfast! Praise God there is another harvest first, by one who John wrote, looked like the Son of Man. Let us get ready for the harvest of our Lord Jesus and rejoice in Him!


Love in Christ the Lord,


*  -  for those who want to wade through the government's full text so far. 

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