Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Good Sleepy Morning

Now Peter and those with him were quite sleepy, but as they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him.  Luke 9:32

If you have ever gone sleepy during a pastoral prayer, or perhaps even one of your own, you have something in common with three favored disciples. As you nod off and perhaps snore a little, awakening yourself, you may awaken to wonderful things and great signs! Peter, James, and John did. This morning I am a candidate to see great and wonderful things as I have the sleepy part going on already. Those great and wonderful things must have something more than a bit of the sleepy though. Jesus is central to the miraculous as His Father our God shines in Him. 

Perhaps it was cool on the mountain as the three disciples awaited the prayer time of their Lord and Teacher. When my house is cool, as it is this morning, I notice that sleepiness is easy to come by. Does that force a great sign or a wonder from our Lord? Of course not. Most times it is not for a great sign that sleepiness comes but a more mundane reason: it is time to wake up and rejoice in the Lord! And maybe that is not so mundane after all. 

Thank You, dear Lord, for the new day to rejoice in You!


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