Friday, September 11, 2020

Fear Fell

The Jews gathered together in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm. And no one could withstand them, because fear of them fell upon all people.  Esther 9:2

Fear of a conquered people who have seen the evil that men do used against them time and time again? That the other people were afraid of them is secondary, a consequence of something happening from what or where the word of the Lord does not say in this verse. For those who believe in Him though, it seems that this fear could only come from God who stands watch over His people. That the story of Esther says that fear fell on them means to us that it came from above. That a daughter of the Jews was in a place of influence at just this critical time also speaks of God's provision, even though it is not specifically stated in the word.  For those who will see, God's work is shown in a book of the Bible that does not mention His name. 

We too live in a time when it seems to those who do not believe that God is not present in the world. So strong is this evidence to them that many believe the Lord God does not exist at all. However, for those who will believe in the Son of God, the lawlessness of the times is the evidence we look for to know that the close of this age comes near. Those same evidences that cause some to remain firm in their unbelief are the things we see that fulfill the prophecies of the coming Tribulation. The division of the world takes place before our eyes, and we have a brief time to warn a few more before it is too late. 

Grace and peace to you in Christ, in a time when the world falls into lawlessness,


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