Monday, September 28, 2020

Are They Crazy?

And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army.  Revelation 19:19

We read the story and we wonder what sort of deception has caused these armies to gather against the Lord and... well, are they crazy to come against the Lord? The armies of the earth against the armies of heaven might seem a terrible mismatch already, but the Lord? And we are asking again, "Are they crazy?" Perhaps it is so, but somehow they gather because they think they can win, or their pride is so great that they must follow it down to the bitter end. And with a quick summation John sees the enemy defeated from the greatest to the least, and with that the war is ended by our Lord as His cleanup crew descends to feast. 

World War II was a sprawling war of much suffering and combat. A person could fill a library with books and references about the causes, the actions, and the personalities that populated the largest war the earth has seen to this date. The story of the World War against the Christ lasts three little verses in Revelation 19:19-21. No lengthy campaigns, no marches of suffering, just a quick victory by our Lord that is so overwhelming that all the casualties and captures are on one side. In less space of time than it takes to write about it, the war is finished by our Lord. Amazing. 

May our light shine among the lost ones lest they fall for this craziness and come against our Lord! 


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