Thursday, September 10, 2020

A Bright Moonlight

The moonlight will be as bright as the sunlight, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter — like the light of seven days — on the day that the LORD bandages his people’s injuries and heals the wounds he inflicted. Isaiah 30:26

Yes, this prophecy is there, and no I cannot imagine the moonlight as bright as sunlight, for when I try a picture of daytime comes to mind. Now add in sunlight seven times brighter than what we know today and all I can say is, "How will anyone survive the heat?" We have our experience in this life and we use it attempting to understand the prophecy of the Lord, and we come up short of imagination. Is this a picture of the new Earth? Plants will certainly grow quickly with that much light to work with. Grass mowing will be a constant occupation. Grass mowing? Really? Is that all I can think of?

Prophecy is an opportunity to trust in the Lord our God. The things our Lord puts forth in His revelations of the future are at times so fantastic that we are left groping about in dim experience trying to explain or understand what He plainly states through His prophets. We must trust and believe in the Lord, and know that we will not be roasted to a crisp in the light of a seven-fold sun. This and many other prophecies show us that things as we know them now are not what God has waiting for us in the days of bliss to come. Great is the Lord our God!


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