Friday, March 10, 2017

Cats Are Not Biblical

No verse today because I couldn't find one that mentioned cats. Cats are not biblical; we must get rid of all cats. Quack, quack, quack, one does not necessarily follow the other. If we tried to use that logic we would have to get rid of ourselves since not one of us is mentioned by name in the Bible either. At least I hope not, because unless your name begins with Anti, or rhymes with feast, you didn't make the last book of the Bible, which in those two cases is a good thing. You may be named after someone in the Bible, but chances are pretty good the scripture didn't refer to you specifically. Some of us may seem that old, but that is a slight exaggeration to our age. Many animals and types of animals don't specifically make the words of the scripture, but that does not mean they don't, or didn't, exist.

Cats did make the Hebrew oral traditions, the Talmud, which were not written down until after Jesus had ascended to Heaven. From this we know that the Israelites did have a word for cat, and may even have brought some from Egypt. The scriptures seem quite clear that the Israelites desire to go back to Egypt was from a lack of faith in God and had nothing to do with wanting to go back and get their cats, since as we have already found, cats are not mentioned in the scriptures. Of course, I only searched on cat or kitten. Lions are certainly mentioned in the Bible scriptures.

Back in the day, I sometimes wrote a little less than seriously on a Friday devotional. Today I have wasted a morning in writing about cats; cats that are not Biblical. If you are worried that this may be the last day we are here and my words will be my last, then grab your Bible quick! My words will never save anyone, but the Word of God holds the words of someone we know as Savior. His story tells of how He saved us all. Start with the gospel of John; if we are all gone tonight to be with Jesus, you may not have time to read the entire Bible today!

In Christ the Savior,

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