Friday, November 28, 2014

Where Do We Go From Here?

The days and times when we feel that we cannot are those times we must come to the Lord in prayer. The test is difficult or it wouldn't be much of a test. The day following a holiday often presents a sort of bored/tired/weak-willed/sad feeling that isn't particularly any one of those four so much that it can be identified. It's like the wind filled the sails yesterday, but this morning the breeze has died out and the sails of the mind hang limp. If you live in our area, you can see this has nothing at all to do with what is going on in the weather. Any sort of diet to lose weight meets a dangerous time in this feeling, for such times often bring cheating as we seek to find something to break free of this condition of the mind. Projects that need starting or restarting just don't appeal as they should.

I have found my own strength wholly inadequate to overcoming this fugue state. Like Paul, I need and must turn to Christ my Savior for the strength to get back to it whether it is writing or working on a project. God's strength is made perfect in my weakness, and God's children were never meant to get by on their own. So, when I find myself trying to lift the self out of the doldrums through the usual methods like: self-criticism, eating the wrong sorts of things at the wrong time of day, or avoiding what I know needs to be done by diving into a book, it is time to come to Jesus, and get the devotional written and sent out, even if I am an hour late or so.

Have a great and wonderful day in Christ!

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