Saturday, November 22, 2014

Alpha and Omega

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. (Genesis 1:1 & Revelation 22:21)

What do we see in the first verse and the final verse of our Bible? God created all things and Jesus Christ brought grace to us, and so shall it be. I find it fascinating to put both verses together and just contemplate the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega of the Word of God. Then, add in one of the titles of Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega, as we read it in the Revelation, and ponder some more. All of that struggle, yet it begins with God and ends with His Son. What did God do? He created, then He sent His Son to save that creation.

In between those two verses we read a wealth of instruction, history, stories, parables, and prophecies. And, lest we forget, the very words of life as brought to us by Jesus and through those who followed and learned from our Lord. In between, a person might sum up much of the Bible as "They believed in Him!" Yes, prophets who listened for the Word and then passed it on to kings, princes, nobles, priest, pastors, and you and me. Disciples who followed Jesus in person, and then discipled others down through the ages. Leaders who followed the Word through direct revelation and through prophets. Common folks placed in uncommon situations such as Gideon, who we meet trying to thresh a bit of grain out of sight of the marauding Midianites. An angel met him too, a pretty uncommon situation even in the Bible! Some died young, others lived to a ripe old age. Yet so many believed in the coming Messiah, whether that coming would be the first or the second. All those people believing that God saves and would save them. All to help you and me believe and receive the Word of God into our hearts. What a wonderful book!


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