Wednesday, November 19, 2014

At Times, Hard to Believe

Looking around at your team this morning, do you feel like the correct answer to the question: Which one doesn't belong? Why are you looking at them? Look to Jesus, the one who lived the perfect sinless life! Wait, now I really feel that I don't belong on this team. It's true. We sometimes look at our condition right now and wonder how or why God could possible have chosen us. Such sinfulness must never have existed in the mind of man. Even the most murderous of tyrants from history must have a better chance at forgiveness than I. Grace must only cover the graceful, and I'm as clumsy as they come. At times, it's hard to believe that Jesus could choose me. Yet, that opinion of mine and ours must give way to the opinion of Jesus our Lord.

Humility we confuse with heaping abuse on the self. Humility in the biblical sense is agreeing with God's opinion of us. God, sitting in the person of Jesus the Christ, looked at His disciples and called them His friends. This rough group of fellows committed a few spiritual stumbles in their time the Bible can tell you. Friends? How can this be from the perfect, sinless, Son of God? It's His choice. Just as we can choose our friends now, Jesus chose His friends in that moment. From then on as disciple after disciple went forth to spread the good news and disciple others, we became friends of Jesus. So, quit looking around; you belong on God's team!


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